class bourse.step_sim.agents.random_agent.NumpyRandomAgents(bourse.step_sim.agents.base_agent.BaseNumpyAgent)

Simple agent set that places random orders via Numpy arrays

Agents that place random orders each step of the simulation, new orders are returned as a tuple of Numpy arrays. These orders can then be submitted to a discrete event environment using bourse.core.StepEnv.submit_limit_order_array().

This agent type is designed to represent a group of agents all placing individual orders at each step (rather than a single agent).

NumpyRandomAgents Methods

NumpyRandomAgents(n_agents: int, tick_range: tuple[int, int], ...)

Initialise NumpyRandomAgents

update(...) tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]

Update the agents, sampling new orders to place